Dale Lavine

Aspiring writer with an affinity for gummy bears.
Hampton, VA
I'm Dale, a 21-year-old college journalist living in Virginia. I've written for a few online publications, some independents, and my current gig is writing relationship columns for HerCampus.com


Dale Lavine

I'm currently between schools - after completing a year and a half of coursework at Thomas Nelson Community College, I transferred to Virginia Commonwealth University. Unfortunately VCU was not to my liking, so I decided to transfer to Christopher Newport University. With any luck, I'll be working towards a degree in Communication Studies with minors in Writing and Political Science there this coming fall semester.

I enjoy writing, obviously. I want to go into long-form journalism, so I can write non-fiction narratives that actually tell stories. I enjoy the little details in articles that get my mental gears spinning to create an environment - I enjoy being placed in the story itself.

Other than writing, however, I also enjoy rock climbing, eating, and singing in the shower. I don't watch a lot of actual TV, instead resorting to entire series' of shows on Netflix. Archer, Lost, How I Met Your Mother, Doctor Who, and Hannibal are a handful of my current favorite shows (past and present).

Hopefully you like what you see here, but I'm not promising anything.